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Jotunheimen 2006
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2006-07-19 - Spiterstulen - Glitterheim
Even this day we were on the start line at 08:40 and the weather was as fine as yesterday.

We walked, all three of us, a couple of kilometres to the path cross where we splitted up. The plan was that Berra should walk the east alternative around Glittertind because we hadn’t walk this route before. Annika and Jonas were aiming at the peak of Glittertind.

The east route

The first bit of the walk was easy with nice paths to follow. At the lakes the terrain changed and become stonier. Here I met the first peoples that had started in Glitterheim. Their speed was slow and they all already asked me how far it was to Spitertulen. Sometimes you can wonder if all people you met reach theirs destinations.

I took a short break at the crest with astonishing views over Veo. After some food and water the walk downhill started. Here the terrain changed. Earlier it was a lot of stones but the stones didn’t move when you walked over them. Now a lot of stones loosen when you sat your boots on them. Sometimes you slide downhill together with a lot of gravel and stones. So I had to slow down and take it easy because you walked alone. Finally I reached flat surface again and here I met an English couple where the girl was in charge. She asked if there were a lot of stones in front of them and I said “Stone hell”. She continued t walk but the guy after muttered something about “Bloody hell”.

The rest of the walk to Glitterheim was easier and easier but the last bit was tough because you saw the hut but it seemed that you never came closer.

Finally at the hut the backpack went of and then some rest before Hansson and Annika was down.


The way up to Glittertind was tough. First you had to climb past some stony uphill’s. It’s recommended to use a little backpack which most of the hikers here used. But if you liked to tent as we do the burden is heavier.

We met a lot of people on the way up and this is always nice. After the uphill it went flatter but after each crest you thought that the peak was on the next. Suddenly we reached the peak and we noticed that there were much less snow than last time in 1996. We followed the little icy path all the way to the peak and once again we can enjoy the views. More and more hikers reached the peak, not strange because of the good weather.

We took it rather easy downhill and after a short and wet snow field we were finally on solid ground. The rest of the walk was rather easy but our water supplies were at an end. So remember to bring extra water on this hike!

Down at Glitterheim we met Berra again. It was a sunny evening with our tent place just outside the hut. Some food and some Norwegian beers made us lively again. Card play and some talk was also on the program.
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Picture 06-4-115
Galdhöpiggen far away.
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Picture 06-4-116
This is the way to walk.
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Picture 06-4-117
view of Visdalen.
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Picture 06-4-118
Steep uphill.
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Picture 06-4-119
and after that the route leveled out. Glittertind far away.
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Picture 06-4-120
Aslo some reindeers enjoyed the terrain.
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Picture 06-4-121
A short break at the route cross towards Glittertind/Glitterheim
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Picture 06-4-122
Flat terrain with some stones.
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Picture 06-4-123
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Picture 06-4-124
If you missed the sign you got another chance.
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Picture 06-4-125
Still rather flat with path to follow.
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Picture 06-4-126
A glance back towards Galdhöpiggen.
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Picture 06-4-127
Veobreen on the other side.
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Picture 06-4-128
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Picture 06-4-129
A lot of stones.
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Picture 06-4-130
Stoney. No tent places here...
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Picture 06-4-131
The view towards Veo. Soon the path went downwards.
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Picture 06-4-132
Where we came from. Loose stoned made the walk difficult.
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Picture 06-4-133
But soon the path leveled out and the walk was easier.
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Picture 06-4-134
Veobreen again.
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Picture 06-4-135
The first view of Glitterheim.
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Picture 06-4-136
Not many meters left.
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Picture 06-4-137
Somewere above Hansson and Annika are on their way down.
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Picture 06-4-138
Here they are!
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Picture 06-4-139
View towards Spiterstulen.
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Picture 06-4-140
The worse stone landscape in front of us.
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Picture 06-4-141
Finnaly some uphill slopes.
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Picture 06-4-142
You almost had to climb.
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Picture 06-4-143
Nice color variations.
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Picture 06-4-144
Glittertind far away.
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Picture 06-4-145
People on their way up.
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Picture 06-4-146
Soon we are there.
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Picture 06-4-147
Little snow made the path icey and slippery.
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Picture 06-4-148
A satisfied Annika at the peak.
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Picture 06-4-149
Hikers from Glitterheim on their way up.
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Picture 06-4-150
Nice peaks around Galdhöpiggen.
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Picture 06-4-151
Berra is walking somwhere below.
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Picture 06-4-152
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Picture 06-4-153
Nice views from the peak.
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Picture 06-4-154
A peak picture.
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Picture 06-4-155
Some more steps and you stand on the overhang.
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Picture 06-4-156
Time to move again.
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Picture 06-4-157
Finally downhill again.
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Picture 06-4-158
Just follow the path.
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Picture 06-4-159
Here you see the overhang quite well.
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Picture 06-4-160
A lot of people on their way.
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Picture 06-4-161
Finally some stones again.
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Picture 06-4-162
A nice peak.
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Picture 06-4-163
A last picture before Glittertind dissappears.
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Picture 06-4-164
Downhill towards Glitterheim. A lot of stones.
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Picture 06-4-165
Glittertind started to fade away.
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Picture 06-4-166
Finally some green terrain again.
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Picture 06-4-167
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Picture 06-4-168
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Picture 06-4-169
The sign outside the hut.
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Picture 06-4-170
A dog waiting for departure.
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Picture 06-4-171
An old stone cottage. Of course with the Norwegian flag outside.
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Picture 06-4-172
A short nap before the dinner.
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Picture 06-4-173
Relaxing on the bench.
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Picture 06-4-174
A beer is never wrong.
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